Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The First Post, Things I Have Learned The Hard Way, And Never Want To Repeat

Some Future Points I Hope To Elaborate On;

"As much as I have spent my whole life fighting it, opposites really do attract."
-In order to meet a nice girl, you can't always be a nice guy.

"You can't make love happen." "You can't force it, it just is or isn't."

"You can't force anyone to see any side of you." "You can't brag about things you've done or things you own, its about who you really are. If you can brag about yourself and back it up than its okay to brag away."

"Girls don't always want to get their way."

"There is a big difference between really knowing somebody and knowing things about someone."

"You can never really know everything about someone."

"There's a difference between growing with somebody and making yourself change for somebody."